Initiative for January: Adopt an MP

Being the good and humble citizen that I am I have decided to follow our dear leader and company’s example and adopt a wacky initiative to try and grab a headline or two.

LembitI have decided that a) the rabble in the house of commons need to be held truly accountable, and that b) us bloggers are the ones to do it! Now, that’s all well and good; however being as there are quite a few of those loathsome brutes skulking around the corridors of power we’ll have to pare it down a bit, thus it’ll be one blogger to one MP at first, and then we’ll get some team action going when everyone’s seen too.

That was easy, and I’d be surprised if it took any more time than Blair needed in order to produce his excellent democracy in Iraq initiative, though pehaps I’m being a little facetious.

Now the fun part, except as always there is some clever dick ahead of the curve. Iain Dale has already adopted his little chipmunk, and thusly Hazel ‘tow the line’ Blears is off limits until every MP has a blogger.

I’ll get the ball rolling, my chosen MP is none other than Lembit Opik, the cheeky member for Montgomeryshire. I’ve setCheeky Lembit my Google alerts, and any cheeky shenanigans will be reported! Read about Lembit’s cheeky comments in the house here, needless to say his two lines were rollickingly good, I especially liked the bit where he mentioned he was cheeky, what a crazy guy!

(Pictures shamelessly pilfered from the BBC)

One Response to Initiative for January: Adopt an MP

  1. Praguetory says:

    You’ve got the right idea in this post – although Lembit’s pretty low on my s*** list. Thanks for the link, too. I’ll be checking in from time to time to see if you sustain the pace.

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